Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today is the day!

My Kromksi Harp in en route to me as we speak (type)! Unfortunately, I work tonight. Chris said he'll put it together when he gets home from work. I CANNOT WAIT! I work at 10 tomorrow, but I have a feeling I'll be up late warping the loom!

That's all I've got, folks. I'll let you know how it's going tomorrow!

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been decided!

I am indeed a crappy blogger. Sorry.

So, Chris and I moved to Lansing in June. He got a job with the state and now I'm working at a new store. It's ok, not amazing, but not terrible. I'm having a hard time making friends, but I did go to a knitting group downtown on Thursday. It was pretty great! It's at this place called Rae's Yarn Boutique, and I had an excellent time. I felt so welcome. There was this woman there who was finishing up a scarf that she had woven on a rigid heddle loom, which made me HAVE TO GET ONE.

I did it. I ordered a 32" Kromski Harp rigid heddle loom. It should be here on Friday or Monday. Yes, I know I already have a loom. But this one is much easier to use (I hope!). I've been having a hard time using my other loom. I think that once I get the hang on it on the RH loom, I'll do better.

I'll be posting pictures of the new baby (the loom, silly) once I get it. I hope that Chris will put it together for me! I WILL UPDATE SOON!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hiatus? Crappy blogger?

So...yeah.  No excuses here for not blogging.  Also, my knitting has fallen to the side because of so much work.  I also got a pretty bad splinter in my palm that decided to stay for a long ass time, so that sucked...

Wellllll...Chris is going to Lansing tomorrow to have an interview!  :)  I hope that he does well, it'll be a huge boost for his confidence.

I'll try to update more, I swear.  Maybe once a week.  Or month.  Whatever, I'll do my best!