Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today is the day!

My Kromksi Harp in en route to me as we speak (type)! Unfortunately, I work tonight. Chris said he'll put it together when he gets home from work. I CANNOT WAIT! I work at 10 tomorrow, but I have a feeling I'll be up late warping the loom!

That's all I've got, folks. I'll let you know how it's going tomorrow!

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been decided!

I am indeed a crappy blogger. Sorry.

So, Chris and I moved to Lansing in June. He got a job with the state and now I'm working at a new store. It's ok, not amazing, but not terrible. I'm having a hard time making friends, but I did go to a knitting group downtown on Thursday. It was pretty great! It's at this place called Rae's Yarn Boutique, and I had an excellent time. I felt so welcome. There was this woman there who was finishing up a scarf that she had woven on a rigid heddle loom, which made me HAVE TO GET ONE.

I did it. I ordered a 32" Kromski Harp rigid heddle loom. It should be here on Friday or Monday. Yes, I know I already have a loom. But this one is much easier to use (I hope!). I've been having a hard time using my other loom. I think that once I get the hang on it on the RH loom, I'll do better.

I'll be posting pictures of the new baby (the loom, silly) once I get it. I hope that Chris will put it together for me! I WILL UPDATE SOON!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hiatus? Crappy blogger?

So...yeah.  No excuses here for not blogging.  Also, my knitting has fallen to the side because of so much work.  I also got a pretty bad splinter in my palm that decided to stay for a long ass time, so that sucked...

Wellllll...Chris is going to Lansing tomorrow to have an interview!  :)  I hope that he does well, it'll be a huge boost for his confidence.

I'll try to update more, I swear.  Maybe once a week.  Or month.  Whatever, I'll do my best!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bloggity blog blog

So I haven't updated in a while. Whoops.

I've been working on the mitered mitten pattern from Elizabeth Zimmermann's "Knitter's Almanac". I love them, but I'm having a difficult time getting myself to knit when I have such wonderful books to read :)

I've been reading the Twilight series. They are amazing. I didn't realize how much I love vampires, haha! I finished the second book last night (I bought it on Tuesday!), and now I'm trying to get back into the Outlander series. We'll see if my resolve to not buy the new book lasts tonight while I'm at work.

Weaving is going well, I'm waiting on a new reed to get to the house. I have a 15 epi reed right now, and it's just too small to use for many things I want to make, so I ordered an 8 epi reed. I hope I get it soon, I want to weaving some beautiful scarves for my family for Christmas.

Anyways, I'm going to go be a lazy bum until I have to go to work.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It is my dear husband's 26th birthday today! :) I'm just making a quick post in hopes that he'll read it and it'll make him smile.

Honey, I love you so much and I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I am the luckiest girl ever and I hope that you realize how much you mean to me!


Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I'm getting the loom! It's a 20" 4 harness table loom. It's super old, but apparently it's in excellent working condition. I just need to buy some heddles and clean it up. I AM SO EXCITED!

What do ya think? I love it already. I hope that I'm able to learn how to use it!

That's all I've got. I've got to get to bed after this episode of True Blood, I work at 8 tomorrow. Ick!

Friday, September 19, 2008


So I put in a bid on a vintage 4 harness loom on ebay. I WANT IT SO BAD. I hope hope hope hope I get it. Then it's on to having hubs make a warping peg for me. He said it should be easy, so we'll see.

The hat/scarf/mitten set is almost done. The hat should be done tomorrow-ish and the scarf will be done shortly after that. The mittens are already finished! I'll post pictures of the whole thing once it's all done.

Something has been bothering me lately. I've gotten flack from a few different coworkers about being young and married. They seem to think that there is NO WAY I could have found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with at such a young age. I understand that it is rare, but does everyone have to come to me and ask "Why did you get married so young?! You should have dated lots more guys and make sure he's what you want!!" Ok. Why would I do that when I already know I want to be with him? That seems silly and a waste of time I could be spending with the man of my dreams. I wish people would just be happy for me. If I don't have a problem with it, if he doesn't, and neither of our families even thought for a second that this wasn't the right thing to do at the right time, then why do people who don't even know us? Bah.

Classes are getting mre difficult. :( I spend 8am-2pm yesterday working on school stuff. It was difficult! I did it though so I wouldn't have to worry about school work this weekend ;) I work tonight and tomorrow night, and then tonight after work I'm going to Bethany's to do some girlie hanging out stuff. I hope I feel better, as I'm getting a bit of a cold.

Hubs made sure I was breathing last night because the Nyquil knocked me out so hard, how cute.

That's all for now!

ETA: Wedding pictures are here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Krieger.Karen.L the ones with Cindy on them are ME.